31 julio 2018



No ha habido cambios en la situación general en los territorios separatistas ni en el terreno. Las fuerzas separatistas apoyadas activamente por las tropas rusas han estado ocupadas construyendo estructuras temporales y permanentes a lo largo de la ABL, a fin de solidificar el status quo. En algunas ocasiones se observaron escaramuzas entre ellos y la policía georgiana y los guardias fronterizos (las unidades militares no están permitidas en el ABL en virtud del acuerdo de alto el fuego), y varios hombres de ambos lados han resultado heridos. Aviones rusos y abjasios han estado patrullando activamente el espacio aéreo sobre Abjasia y Osetia del Sur, y en varias ocasiones también han entrado en Georgia propiamente dicha, aunque cada vez volvieron después de unos minutos. Según la información de inteligencia recopilada hasta el momento, la Federación de Rusia utiliza principalmente aviones de generaciones anteriores, principalmente MiG-23 y MiG-25.

I have to admit I’m really growing fond of the M-2000C. I’s different from the F-15 (which we sometimes call a "Starship") not to mention the Hog, but there are many things I really like. The FBW system is great, as is the possibility to change betweem the AA and AG modes: air to ground capabilities seem especially interesting. All in all, this really makes me look forward to further training sessions. 

Today we're going together with Greg in a separate flight, callsign Pontiac, while our instructors will fly as Colt. I will lead ours. 

The plan is to go through the autopilot modes, then do some training with the TACAN: I doubt there will be anything new for me, although I must remember to overfly the station directly when ordered to fly an outbound radial. The TACAN training can be initiated anywhere between waypoints 4 and 5 and once it is finished, we are to push to waypoint 6 without any backtracking.

Finally, I'll try the ILS landing. This last part is bound to be interesting, as the M-2000C has the synthetic runway feature, outlining it digitally even with zero visibility. 

In the news there were some reports about fighting on the ABL, but nothing too serious. The Russians were doing their usual stuff, entering Georgian airspace (although technically they are in Georgian airspace most of the time, as both Abkhazia and South Ossetia are part of Georgia), and retreating before the French could get too close. 

I have noted down the radio frequencies and we are good to go. Time to see how well I’ll do as an M-2000C flight lead. According to Maj. Lambert, this sortie will also test our ability to stay above bingo level, as we have quite a lot of ground to cover and only one external tank. I’ll have to go easy on the afterburner.

Our IP for this mission will be Lt.Col. S. Pacotte and his wingman Com. Lambert, both Colt 01 flight. Cpt. N. Guttierez will lead the Seraph 01 flight. We are not required to stay in close formation with Colt 01, it’ll be enough to have them in visual range.